I decided after my first post that I was going to wait a bit before posting again, just in case I had a repeat of my last pregnancy. However, things are going incredibly well. We had an ultrasound at what we thought was 9 weeks, to ensure that this pregnancy was off to a better start than the last. Little Booger's heartbeat was very strong in the ultrasound, strong enough that Dr. Allison said she felt that this should be a healthy baby, and that the threat of miscarriage was low.
During the ultrasound, we found out that I wasn't quite as far along as we had thought. On what should have been the first day of my ninth week, we discovered that I was actually on the second day of my eighth week. Little Booger is due January 27th, 2014.
I spent all of week eight on antibiotics to knock out a really bad bladder infection. The antibiotics made me much more nauseous than I had been, but it cleared the infection up.
We had another appointment at 10 weeks 2 days to hear the heartbeat. I was scared senseless for this one, as the last doctor's appointment I had gone to to hear a baby's heartbeat was with my mother, and it was the appointment she found out she had a miscarriage. The thought of Dr. Allison searching for the heartbeat for as long as Dr. Graves searched for my little brother or sister's scared me half to death.
The first few seconds were torture, waiting to hear the heartbeat. Sure enough, it started loud and fast. I might have cried, but who knows. Dr. Allison said again that this was a good sign, and that the risk of miscarriage after hearing a strong heartbeat with the doppler drops to 3%. My next appointment is July 31st, at 14 weeks, 2 days.
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Start of a baby bump at 11 weeks! |
The last week I have been battling a serious sinus infection, which has only worsened my new-found weepiness. In the last week I have cried at least once a day, over things ranging from seeing a whale die on t.v., to a wine glass breaking, to the fact that I was sick and had to work on my birthday. I did give in (with doctors approval, of course) and had a glass of red wine last night, since it was my 21st birthday and all.
I also felt Little Booger move for the first time the week. I mostly only feel the movement in the morning when I first wake up, but it will hit with less intensity throughout the day when I'm sitting still.
Maternity clothes? I have to wear a belly band with jeans!
Have you started to show yet: Just a little bit
Stretch marks? None that I didn't have already
Sleep: I'm exhausted, but sleep has been restless due to graphic nightmares.
Best moment this week: Feeling little booger!
Miss Anything? I so wanted to have an Irish Car Bomb on my 21st birthday Sunday.
Movement: Every so often I'll feel flutters
Food cravings: Mac & Cheese & apple juice
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken, eggs
Gender: This week I hope it's a girl, and Jacob hopes it's a boy.
Labor Signs: Not yet!
Symptoms: Lots of nausea, bloating, headaches
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody, bless Jacob's heart. I cried yesterday because a whale died on tv, and today in the car because I thought of my Mama.
Looking forward to: More visible bump, less nausea
How far along? 11 weeks
Total weight gain: Due to nausea, I'm currently at -4 lbs.Maternity clothes? I have to wear a belly band with jeans!
Have you started to show yet: Just a little bit
Stretch marks? None that I didn't have already
Sleep: I'm exhausted, but sleep has been restless due to graphic nightmares.
Best moment this week: Feeling little booger!
Miss Anything? I so wanted to have an Irish Car Bomb on my 21st birthday Sunday.
Movement: Every so often I'll feel flutters
Food cravings: Mac & Cheese & apple juice
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken, eggs
Gender: This week I hope it's a girl, and Jacob hopes it's a boy.
Labor Signs: Not yet!
Symptoms: Lots of nausea, bloating, headaches
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody, bless Jacob's heart. I cried yesterday because a whale died on tv, and today in the car because I thought of my Mama.
Looking forward to: More visible bump, less nausea
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