Monday, September 9, 2013

20 Week Update (Halfway There!)

This week has practically dragged itself by. I feel like it has taken forever to get to the point I'm writing a new blog. A lot happened this week, and they were all things that have one of those nasty two-sided effects: it sucks in the short term, but in the long term you have to do it or the consequences will be disastrous. 

My car broke down on Tuesday in the most delightful way.I was at a stoplight when the engine suddenly started making the sound of a train whistle and it started overheating like crazy. It's had a slow leak since I got it, and I suppose it reached the point where it couldn't take it anymore. I made it to work, and while I was working flights 1141 and 1133, my parents apparently drove out and put water in it, and called to make an appointment.

The darned thing took $1250 of repairs. For one part. Like I said, it sucks in the short term, but long term it had to be done.

Jacob also got a second job this week. We've known for a while that we need another source of income, and I can't really find one, as most places don't want to hire someone who can only work Thursdays and Fridays and will be leaving in January. The thing that sucks so much about it is that I will literally only see him for half an hour in the mornings, and on weekends before and after work. He'll be working Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, on top of school and his other job, and he has night classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 9, and I can't stay up that long.

How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain: Dude not even kidding, I'm up another 3 pounds this week, putting me at 4 above my starting weight.
Maternity clothes? Like I mentioned a couple weeks ago, my Mama bought me some maternity shirts. I've since turned a pair of jeans and a pair of work pants into maternity pants (tutorial on Wednesday!) and will be making some old nasty shirts into maternity shirts.

Have you started to show yet: Undoubtedly. I look like I'm due in a month, not four and a half. The amount I've grown in the last week is mind boggling. For comparison purposes:

Stretch marks? None that I didn't have already.
Sleep: I've been having lots of nightmares, still. Sleep is uncomfortable and restless.
Best moment this week: Jacob got a second job. I feel very conflicted about it, but I know that we have to have it in order to survive financially once Little Booger gets here

Miss Anything? I miss going a day without a backache or headache
Movement: There is a TON of movement. I swear, the kid never sleeps
Food cravings: Not really anything this week,

Anything making you queasy or sick: My new prenatal vitamins make me quite nauseous, still
Gender: Unfortunately, we still don't know, and won't know until week 22.

Labor Signs: Definitely not.
Symptoms: HEADACHES, general discomfort, vivid dreams, backaches
Belly Button in or out? Still very much in. I don't think it will come out
Wedding rings on or off? Still on, but there is swelling on hot days.

Happy or Moody most of the time: I would say I've been fairly normal this week.
Looking forward to: The gender reveal, and reassurance it isn't twins.

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