Wednesday, October 30, 2013

27 Week Update

This week was fairly slow. Work was hectic beyond belief, but that made time fly. We went to Lai Lai on Thursday, and I got the greatest fortune ever, as seen below:

Thursday was October 24th. As you may remember, my original due date was January 24th, and due to the fact that I know the day I conceived, the day I still think should be my due date. This was just scary coincidental. I really needed it, too, as this week was very hard for me, Thursday in particular. Thursday marked one year since my miscarriage.

Papaw, Mimi, Annie, Veda, and Deakon came to see me on Friday, and took me out to eat. Annie brought me some maternity clothes, red raspberry leaf tea, alfalfa tea, and nettle tea, all of which I am very excited about. Papaw also bought us all of the wood pellets we need to make it through the winter.

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain: I'm at about 198 right now.
Maternity clothes? Annie brought me some very cute maternity clothes, so my collection is quite large.

Have you started to show yet: You tell me!

Stretch marks? None that I didn't have already.
Sleep: I am exhausted, but I am unable to sleep through the night no matter how hard I try.
Best moment this week: Seeing baby Deakon, Veda, and my aunt and grandparents!

Miss Anything? My grandpa, shaving without difficulty.
Movement: She is constantly moving.
Food cravings: Taquitoes

Anything making you queasy or sick: Sinus drainage!
Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: Definitely not.
Symptoms: Backaches, headaches, heartburn, swollen hands and feet, Braxton Hicks
Belly Button in or out? Still very much in. I don't think it will come out, but it is much shallower
Wedding rings on or off? It's on a chain around my neck, because I keep forgetting to put it back on.

Happy or Moody most of the time: So, so moody.
Looking forward to: Getting the glucose test over and done with.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Maternity Leave

As I have said before, I have spent the last 22 weeks flipping out about maternity leave. As with most workplaces in America, the airport does not offer paid maternity leave, and only offers the minimum 12 week leave mandated by FMLA. I would be paid for as much holiday, sick, and vacation time I had built up, but that was it.

Since opening, the airport has done a mandatory furlough during the winter. This year is the first year the furlough is strictly voluntary, and they had been talking of doing no furlough at all. Being furloughed was my only chance at having a "paid" maternity leave. Last week, my supervisor said that it looked like there would be no furlough, and that we would all be put on the work shared program.

My heart sank. Jacob and I cannot afford for me to be without pay for an extended time, as I am the primary income for our family. I quickly figured out how much time exactly I would have paid, as that would be all I could take for maternity leave. Using everything I had, I was going to have 3.8 weeks of maternity leave. I had resigned myself to that, and had actually considered resigning right before Emery was born, and living off of a $5000 loan until Jacob graduated in May.

Today the receptionist at work, Pam, came scurrying up to me with a packet, and said, "Fill this out before I give them to anyone else." It was the form for voluntary furlough from January 5th-March 16th.

I filled it out, and turned it in. There was an area to describe why you did or did not want furlough, and I put, "Due to your policies, this is the only way I will be able to take more than 3 weeks maternity leave and still feed my family.This is my alternative to resigning from the airport." Pam read it and nodded the whole time.

I have a time off request filled out using my accrued time for December 22nd through January 4th, and March 16th-April 5th. The only reason I am able to get the extra three weeks in March is that holiday time resets itself at the end of January, and I won't have to use my vacation time in December, since I'll have the holiday and sick time that will expire December 31 to use for the two weeks in December.

I won't know until November 15th if they will give me furlough, or if they will give it to the ticket counter girls who have seniority over me, which is a very real possibility. If you are a praying person, please lift this up for us.

Monday, October 21, 2013

26 Week Update

I had another ordinary and uneventful week. Literally nothing outstanding enough to report happened, other than the fact that I bought a mattress for Emery, and got a new phone. Both of these are huge deals to us, as they were both yet another provision by God for things we needed but couldn't afford without his help.

I also planned out my maternity leave this week, and turned it in to the airport's secretary to have her look over and let me know if it would work or not. I am very, very nervous about it. The tentative plan is for me to use all of the holiday and sick hours I have left (which will all disappear on 12/31) as well as my vacation days from December 22-January 4th, and then take the voluntary furlough, which should last through the end of March. I would then use all of 2014's holiday and sick days, as well as the 40 hours of vacation I would have received on 1/1, and return to work mid-April. The only issue I would run into is if they count giving me furlough (which they'll be giving 30% of their staff) as my maternity leave. They only offer 12 weeks of maternity leave, and furlough will be every bit of that 12 weeks. If that's the case, then my whole plan goes out the window. we shall see.

How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain: I still haven't weighed myself. I find that the less often I do that, the easier this whole getting huge thing is on my self-esteem.
Maternity clothes? Still have the same amount, although I'm going to need to invest in new bras soon, and warmer clothing. The high today was 54, and I was freezing.

Have you started to show yet: You tell me!

Stretch marks? None that I didn't have already.
Sleep: Sleep just keeps getting more and more restless, and I just keep getting more and more tired.
Best moment this week: I was at my doctor's appointment, and it was the first time in my life I had gone to the doctor alone. Jacob had a mid-term to study for. My blood pressure was high because I was freaking out, I thought she was going to send me for my glucose test-- it was not good. The nurse left to go get Dr. Allison, and who should be standing outside the door but Jacob. He came in and sat down, and when I said, "I'm so glad you're here, I thought you couldn't come!", he said, "I decided that this was more important than cramming for the mid term."

Miss Anything? My grandpa.
Movement: She is constantly moving.
Food cravings: Chips and dip

Anything making you queasy or sick: Sinus drainage!
Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: Definitely not.
Symptoms: Backaches, headaches, heartburn, swollen hands and feet, Braxton Hicks
Belly Button in or out? Still very much in. I don't think it will come out, but it is much shallower
Wedding rings on or off? It's on a chain around my neck, because I keep forgetting to put it back on.

Happy or Moody most of the time: So, so moody.
Looking forward to: Decorating the nursery, eventually!

Monday, October 14, 2013

25 Week Update

This week has been long and tiring. I feel like that seems to be the way my weeks always are, but whatever.

My Papaw had surgery on Tuesday for his spine. His back has been broken several times, and the last time it did not heal. He has been in tremendous pain since this spring when he broke it last, and had been told that if he did not have this surgery, and it was not successful, he would be wheelchair bound within a year. The good news is that the surgery appears to have been successful! I saw him on Friday, and despite being incredibly confused from the muscle relaxers and pain pills, he seemed very good.

I saw my Grandma on Friday, as well. She was not having a good day, but I think it helped to see me. I think that getting back into a regular schedule is very hard for her, especially considering how much Grandpa did for her. Polio left her  in a wheelchair, and Grandpa has been taking care of her almost since she was first in the wheelchair. 

I'm still numb about it. It still doesn't seem real to me.

How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain: I have not weighed myself, but I will be weighed at my doctor's appointment on Thursday.
Maternity clothes? Still have the same amount. In the picture below I am wearing one of Jacob's shirts, because I can.

Have you started to show yet: You tell me!

Stretch marks? None that I didn't have already.
Sleep: I have been exhausted this week from being sick, but I haven't been sleeping very deeply.
Best moment this week: 
I was checking in the sweetest couple from India. They were in their early 40s, and you could tell they were nervous about being in the airport. As I was almost finished checking them in, the husband said, “You’re expecting, too!” His wife’s face lit up as she noticed, and I said I was. They congratulated me over and over, and then he said, “We’re due January 27th.” I probably offended them, because I leaned in and asked what he said. When I said I had the same due date, the wife leaned over and hugged me. We talked for a few minutes, where I learned they’d been trying for years to have a baby and this was their first pregnancy. They’re having a boy. As they were boarding, the wife ran behind my gate and hugged me, and said, “I hope God blesses you with many children. We will keep you in a our prayers.”
Miss Anything? My grandpa.
Movement: She is constantly moving.
Food cravings: Waffles

Anything making you queasy or sick: Prenatals, still
Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: Definitely not.
Symptoms: Backaches, headaches, heartburn, swollen hands and feet
Belly Button in or out? Still very much in. I don't think it will come out, but it is much shallower
Wedding rings on or off? It's on a chain around my neck, because I have swollen again

Happy or Moody most of the time: So, so moody.
Looking forward to: Decorating the nursery!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

My List of Baby Items

I have been well and truly nesting today. My anxiety disorder likes to manifest itself through extensive cleaning when I'm anxious, and I have been borderline panic attack-y all day today. This is my first day completely alone since Grandpa passed and my Papaw had his surgery, so I have been doing everything I can to stay somewhat distracted. I reach a point when in this anxious cleaning mode that I know I have to stop, because the act of cleaning is feeding the anxiety. I started cleaning at 7:30 this morning. It is now 12:36, and I have reached that point.

My current distraction is making a list of all of the items I need for Emery, so that I can go register this afternoon. I've started an online registry on, and I'm hoping that I can combine it with an in-store registry, as a great deal of the necessary items are only in-store, and therefore can't be added online.

I'd like all the feedback I can get! If you see something superfluous, tell me. If you think I'm missing something, tell me! All items with with an asterisk are items I own already, or that family will be letting us borrow. God has truly blessed us, as I have not personally purchased a single thing, yet we have been given so much that we will need.

  • Crib *
  • Mattress*
  • Bassinet*
  • Rocking chair*
  • Dresser/changing table
  • Changing pad for the top of the dresser
  • Hamper
  • High chair
  • Stroller*
  • Shopping cart cover*
  • Baby monitor
  • Baby sling
  • Infant tub
  • Swing
  • Baby hangers
  • Car seat
  • Night light
  • Safety gates
  • Cabinet and door latches
  • Outlet covers
  • Boppy*
  • 12 burp rags *
  • 4-6 bottles
  • Nipples
  • Bottle brush
  • Dishwasher caddy
  • Breast pump
  • Nipple cream
  • 3 nursing bras
  • Breast pads
  • 5 pacifiers
  • Sippy cups
  • Baby spoons
  • Baby bowls
Linens/Bed Sheets
  • 2 hooded bath towels*
  • 2 receiving blankets*
  • 2 crib comforters/blankets*
  • 4 crib sheets
  • 2 crib pads
  • 2 waterproof mattress pads
  • 2 bassinet sheets
  • 2 changing pad covers
  • 2 swaddle sets
  • 6 wash cloths
  • 3-6 Footed sleepers
  • 4-6 short sleeve onesies
  • 3 long sleeve onesies
  • 2-4 bibs
  • Bunting
  • 2 - 4 hats
  • 1 jacket
  • Mittens
  • 12 pairs of socks/booties
  • 3-5 pairs of pants
  • 3-5 little t shirts
  • 3 sweaters
  • 2-4 dressy outfits
  • Baby powder
  • Blunt nail scissors
  • Brush
  • Cotton swabs
  • Diaper doo
  • 30 cloth diapers (to do a load every other day)*
  • 18 cloth wipes
  • 3-4 boxes newborn diapers (disposable)
  • Baby soap
  • Baby shampoo
  • Nasal aspirator
  • Teethers
  • Thermometer
  • Sun shade for the car
  • Baby bouncer
  • Mobile
  • Soft toys
  • Soft books
For Me (Kind of)
  • Diaper bag
  • Breast cover for nursing in public
  • Maxi pads
  • Underwear I can throw out
  • Nursing tops

Monday, October 7, 2013

24 Week Update

Oh, this week.

If you read my post about the curse of October, you'll know how this week went. Monday was filled with mental preparation for all of the anniversaries of sadnesses that I have to struggle through this month. I told myself that this year it would be different, and no new anniversaries would be added to my list. Unfortunately, at 1:30 a.m. on October 2nd, Jacob woke me up and told me to check my phone, because he had just missed a call from my Daddy, and then my Mama. I checked my phone, and sure enough, I had to.

My Daddy is never up past 10, so to get a call from him at 1:30 in the morning, I knew exactly what had happened. My Grandpa's aneurysm, which had threatened to go for 8 or 9 years now, had finally blown. 

I left Wednesday morning to be with my family, and didn't come home until after the funeral on Saturday. I probably slept a grand total of 16 hours during this week. I was sans Jacob the majority of the time, which I didn't like. I've gone from 11 grandparents down to 4, so I've dealt with my fair share of loss, but this is by far the worst. 

Growing up, my parents both worked full time jobs. We lived next door to my Daddy's parents and grandparents, to help take care of them. My Grandma contracted polio when she was 14 (fun fact: she was the oldest person in Laurence County to contract polio) and it left her wheelchair bound,so we stayed close. With them being right there, they were the baby sitters for my brother and I. I spent more time at their house than at my parent's house growing up. I feel like this loss is closer to losing a parent than a grandparent.

Yet it still doesn't seem real. I'm numb from the heart up, you know? I can't believe it.

Friday, I was up most of the night because my throat hurt. I spent all day Friday and Saturday in various stages of struggling to breathe because I was trying not to cry, and struggling to breathe because I was sick. It didn't help that during the interment it was pouring down rain and 45 degrees outside.

Saturday night I barely slept, because I couldn't breathe at all. I knew I had to go to work on Sunday, because I had already missed so much this week. So, despite gasping for air, I went to work. I made it through the first three flights without dying, but as I was checking in the WORST family ever (story for another time), I started to feel like I was going to black out. I had left my radio and phone at the gate, so I walked back to the bathrooms Jacob was cleaning, and let him know. The medics at work gave me some oxygen to get my O2 levels high enough for me to make it to urgent care, and then we left.

We got to urgent care, and they pulled me back to check my O2 levels, which were acceptable. She asked about previous conditions, and I told her I would be 24 weeks pregnant today, and that I hadn't felt her move in a while. She hadn't looked at my stomach in her rush to make sure I was breathing. They informed me that they would be taking me to the ER, that way Emery could be checked on, and I was somewhere safe if I went into labor. She also informed me that if I did go into labor, I needed to make darned sure I dragged it out until at least midnight, because Emery wouldn't be considered viable enough to attempt to save until 24 weeks exactly.

I spent all afternoon in the ER hooked up to oxygen and fluids, and they discharged me with a prescription for prednisone, zithromax, and tylenol 3. I am scared to death of the medicine, but the doctor made a good point: If I'm not breathing, Emery's not breathing. The doctor said it looked like walking pneumonia that was trying really hard to be pneumonia, and that it was a good thing I came in when I did. I feel better than yesterday, but still really crappy. It hurts so bad to breathe. But Emery is moving, so that's a very good thing.

How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain: 191. Thank you, comfort food.
Maternity clothes? I thought about buying funeral clothes from Motherhood, but instead made do with an empire waisted dress of my Mama's.

Have you started to show yet: You tell me!

Stretch marks? None that I didn't have already.
Sleep: I didn't sleep much this week.
Best moment this week: Seeing my family, and hearing the heartbeat

Miss Anything? My grandpa.
Movement: She is constantly moving.
Food cravings: Sierra Mist with Cranberry

Anything making you queasy or sick: Prenatals, still
Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: Definitely not.
Symptoms: Backaches, boobaches, boob leakage, heartburn
Belly Button in or out? Still very much in. I don't think it will come out, but it is much shallower
Wedding rings on or off? It's back on. When the temperature fell, my swelling stopped.

Happy or Moody most of the time: So, so moody.
Looking forward to: Decorating the nursery!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Curse of October

As you may or may not know, I can't wait until fall. Fall is by far my favorite season, and I wait rather impatiently for it all year. However, every year I know that fall means October will be here, and October seems to be cursed.

Since 2008, Octobers have been a series of negative events for my family. Not a single October since then has gone by without someone dying, and it's supplemented with other atrocities. Typically it starts with something small and stressful, for example, the last two years have started with impending major surgeries for someone in my family. This year, I thought the first sign of the October Curse would be Papaw's surgery next Tuesday. I kept telling myself that would be it, that this year I would just have all of the anniversaries of sadnesses to deal with, that nothing new would happen, save for Papaw's surgery.

Last night at 1:26 Jacob woke me up with a question, "Amanda, where's your phone? Your mom just called me." A phone call from family in the middle of the night is never good. I spent the next few minutes trying to find my phone, and wake up enough to process what he'd said. I finally found my phone, saw my missed calls, and felt my heart drop. I looked at him, and said, "Oh my god Jacob, it's my grandpa."

I couldn't get enough signal with my phone to call, so I used Jacob's. Mama answered, and I said, "What's wrong?" She said exactly what I knew she would, "Amanda, your grandpa passed away tonight."

See, my grandpa has had a lot of health problems. He had the largest aneurysm Barnes in St. Louis had ever removed from an aorta removed when I was 12. We found out three years ago that an even larger one had formed on his aorta, and that because of its size and location, and the tumors his lungs were filled with, there was no way to have surgery on it.

His doctor told us that the aneurysm would eventually burst, and when it did Grandpa would have time to say, "It burst", and then he'd be gone.

Last night, at 12:30 a.m., Grandma heard Grandpa yell, "Wilma, oh Wilma, it's happened!" My Grandma had polio as a girl, and it left her paralyzed, so she kept yelling from the bedroom to him while she tried to get to her scooter. She made it to him in time to see him pass. My uncle Scott (a neurologist) heard and ran downstairs. He performed CPR while my aunt called 911. They all knew he had passed, but that didn't stop them from trying.

According to my Grandma, he had been in some pain that day, and she asked if he thought he needed to go to the hospital. He said that he had the right to be in pain, because he was old, and it didn't mean he should go to the hospital with every new ache. Grandma said he was particularly ornery that day, and that the last thing he did before he passed was pop some popcorn to eat while he watched his late night shows.

At this point it still doesn't seem real to me. It seems like I should hear him limp out of his bedroom, and say, "Well, Amanda! What are you doin' here?", just like he did every time I would come visit. It seems like he should come remind me that he was almost a 13 pound baby, to scare me more about Emery, and tell me stories about when Dad was a baby. He should grab my arm and squeeze so hard it hurt,like he always did. And he should say, "Your grandpa loves you.", with his voice cracking like it always did when he said that.

I spent all day every day from the time I was born until I was in high school at my Grandma and Grandpa's. They lived next door, so it was convenient for Mama to leave us there while she worked. My grandparents played a huge role in who I became. Grandpa is the first one to go home.

A man who went to school with my Dad posted this on Facebook this morning, and I feel like this sums Grandpa up pretty well, "I just found out that Avon Snyder passed away. Avon was the father of one of my elementary/junior high/high school classmates. He was a great man and I am near tears at news of his passing. He and his wife, Wilma, ran the local grocery store, often putting their finances in jeopardy while making sure that those who needed credit in order to eat got what they needed. Avon's family was not wealthy. As a result, when he was a boy he often went to school without the basic necessities to be successful. As an adult, he and his wife made sure that every child who needed help with supplies got what they needed. He was named by the Missouri State Teachers Association as a 'Friend of Education.' He gave back to the community, working the Fall Festival; he was a fixture in civic life. The impact he had on my small hometown in far southwestern Missouri truly is immeasurable. The world is a poorer place without him. I will keep his family and the community in my heart as we grieve together in the coming days."